Enjoy! (I did)

Chantelle came up with a great idea to wright one word on there black board that describes the other person. They were not supposed to see each others boards, but Chantelle just could not resist sneaking a peek....
This was so funny... There are venders at the Union Buildings selling all sorts of things specifically aimed at the tourists. When we saw one of the vender's bicycle we could not resist testing it.
TUKS, Hatfield Campus
Chantelle was telling me about how Eon designed her engagement ring himself, but being the engineer that he is, he sent it back to the designer and ask that she change the ridges around the diamond to 45˚ each.
This was hilarious...... The tables were fixed to the ground and the chairs were chained to the table. These two decided to squeeze themselves into the chairs and they could hardly breath for this photo.
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