Welcome to my blog

Studio La Bella is a Boutique Photography and Design Studio located in Perth, Western Australia. I specialize in Lifestyle and Wedding Photography and dabble in a bit of Graphic Designing. I have a passion for photography and love using natural light so most of my shoots are done in the great out doors. I am so excited to share my latest work, thoughts and inspirational titbits with you on my blog! Please feel free to leave me a comment and pop over to Facebook and 'Like' the Studio La Bella page. www.facebook.com/StudioLaBella

Friday, January 21, 2011

Get Creative part 1

Hi Peeps.....

I have been soooooo busy the last few weeks but have been having so much fun!
I stumbled upon some fun and funky ideas that I would love to share with you.

(I'm a little sad that I didn't know about them when I was planning my own wedding, I would have definitely used some of these ideas.)

1) "'n Koerantjie vir die gaste" (A Newspaper for the guests)
    This really inspired me..... This "Koerantjie" was created by Madre form Madre Kohn Creative.
    The idea is to have a A3 newspaper that consists out of 4 pages. The newspaper is about the bride and  
    groom and it will be waiting for their guests at the reception venue.

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